How can I build muscles on the shin?
Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Wellness expert,
Q: I am a 25 year old male. I am 5 feet 9 inches tall and I weigh 70 kg. I have a proportionate body. My legs are weak as compared to the upper body. I do squats and leg press in the gym and I gained some mass on my thighs and my quadriceps. Please recommend some exercises for the shin. My shin is very thin and it looks very odd.
A:Squats and lunges are great exercises that build leg mass, especially if you can slowly add some weight on your shoulders to add to the build up. On the machines, you can do leg presses, quadriceps raises and leg curls for specific muscles. For your lower part of the legs, you can do toe curls (for the shins), while heel raises which are specific to the calves. Both have to be balanced, so as to prevent injury to the weaker parts.