
How can I bring down my triglyceride levels?

Q: I have been diagnosed with hyperlipidaemia, with the following lipid count: S-GT (68 U/l); Total Cholesterol (6.2 mmol/l); HDL (0.88 mmol/l); Triglycerides (5.7 mmol/l). The first symptoms of high triglyceride level came in 2001 during preventive health check-up. I was advised to cut down on sweets, red meat, egg yolk, oils, ghee, etc. However, during a health check-up in the year 2003, these levels increased further & I was advised Fibral - which I took for 6 months. Again in the year 2005, I was advised to take the Stanlip 200 mg for 6 months. How do I proceed with the treatment & what would be the medications? Do I need other investigations? All other tests like ECG, haemoglobin, blood sugar and urine are within limits.

A:Triglycerides are very susceptible to weight loss/ exercise and avoidance of easily digestible carbohydrates, which include polished rice, fast foods, fries and sweets. Fruits and vegetables and whole cereals are good. You can try fish oil containing omega 3 fatty acids at a dose of 2 grams per day (start at 500 mg daily after food and increase weekly). If this works well you may be able to come off fibrates (the drugs that you are taking).