
How can I be allergic to so many food ingredients?

Dr Lawrence Youlten
Department of Allergy,
Addenbrookes, Cambridge

Q: I am a 35 years old woman who has been recently diagnosed with food allergies for 11 types of food ingredients and 3 natural or environmental allergens. My IgE level is 14907.5 mg/dl, which is 94 times more than normal level. Is it possible for a person to be allergic to so many food ingredients and have such a high level of IgE?

A:When total IgE levels are so high, it is difficult to know the significance of high levels to individual allergens such as foods, as false positives are likely. You must be guided by your experience in eating the various foods concerned, and if they are not followed by immediate symptoms I think you should go on eating the foods. Some patients with atopic eczema have high levels of IgE, but not usually anything like those you describe. Parasitic infestation can cause a raised IgE, but again, not generally as high as yours. If the level is persistently very raised it should be thoroughly investigated to see if there is an underlying blood or immunological cause.