
How can fatty liver be managed?

Dr BS Anand
Houston, USA

Q: I am suffering from fatty liver condition since a year. I am not taking any medicines for it. The doctor told me to wait and see. A liver function test was carried and based on the test results, doctor advised me to take Udiliv thrice a day for two months. The results are as follows: Bilirubin (total) - 1.5 mg/dl, (direct) - 0.4 mg/dl, (indirect) - 1.1 mg/dl; SGOT (AST) - 28 u/l; SGPT (ALT) - 86 u/l; Total Protein - 6.7 g/dl; Albumin - 4.0 g/dl; Globulin - 2.7 g/dl; A/G ratio - 1.48; Alkaline Phosphatase - 56 u/l; Gamma GT - 28 u/l. Please advise.

A:Fatty liver is generally a benign condition and does not require any medications, including Udiliv. You should do the following:1. Avoid alcohol2. Maintain normal weight and do regular exercise.3. Get you serum lipids checked and if high, correct any abnormality with diet and/or medications.