
How can enlarged prostate be treated?

Dr Pankaj N Maheshwari
Senior consultant & head of department, Urology,
Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital,

Q: I am a 49 years old male diagnosed enlarged prostate 25 grams and kidney stones of 4 mm. Around 15 days back, my urine has stopped suddenly. The doctor suggested PSA test, result came 12. Then, I was prescribed Ofloxin and Veltum 4 or Flutral. Now, urine flow is normal. How can enlarged prostate be treated?

A:Your treatment seems to be on correct path. Flotral with antibiotic is the correct way to go.

In your case raised PSA appears to be due to acute retention with infection. To confirm this we need to document that PSA comes back to normal with this treatment, hence it would be repeated three weekly till PSA returns to normal. Some lifestyle changes would be important.

  • Have adequate fluid intake.
  • Do not try to hold urine. Go to the urinal whenever you have a sensation to pass urine. An attempt to hold urine for long may land you with sudden retention of urine.
  • Avoid constipation.
    1. Increase fiber in your diet; fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, salads.
    2. May take some laxatives if necessary.
  • Avoid drinks that produce excessive urine like excessive tea and coffee, beer and cold drinks.
  • Keep a gap of about two hours between dinner and sleep and try and reduce fluid intake in this time.
  • Strict control of diabetes.
  • Regular exercise (brisk walk) is very important.
  • Strict 'NO' to tobacco in any form.