How can dynamic obstruction of the urinary bladder be treated?
Chief of Urology,
Campbellton Regional Hospital,
St. Joseph Health Center,
New Brunswick,
Q: My 33 years old husband has been diagnosed with the problem called dynamic obstruction of the urinary bladder neck after a cystoscopy. I am also experiencing lower urinary tract symptoms. As per the doctor, he needs to get operated but after the surgery, we will not be able to father a child ever in his life. What should we do?
A:" According to your description it seems that your husband only has a recent onset ( 7days) of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) specially increase frequency. I presume that he has been seen by an urologist and had cystoscopy done. Are there any other LUTS like getting up in the night to void or weak flow etc? Is there history of blood in the urine or history of urinary infection? As for as dynamic obstrucion of the urinary bladder neck causing LUTS, there are various medications which may be tried initially. Most people get excellent response with these medications like alpha blocker ( eg.Tamsulosin). Surgery like TURP etc. are usually avoided initially specially in young patients because of the associated complications like retrograde ejaculation which can cause fertility problems."