
How can chronic pancreatitis be managed effectively?

Dr BS Anand
Houston, USA

Q: I have chronic pancreatitis. This was detected last year, when I had unbearable pain in the upper abdomen radiating towards the back. A CT scan was done which reflected a dialated MPD i.e. about 9 mm with calcification in the head, tail and body region. Stenting was done twice within a span of 2 months, but of no avail. Then I went to another gastroentrology institute, where two stones were detected in the head region of the pancreas. These were crushed through ESWL and I was relieved of pain. Now I am on Creon 10000. I suffer from an occasional pain only if have fatty food. I have read that chronic pancreatitis reduces the life span of the patient and the patient survives upto 6-7 years after its detection. Is this true?

A:If treated properly you should be able to lead a nearly normal life with a normal life span.1. Avoid alcohol2. Eat a low fat diet as pancreatic enzymes play a crucial role in fat digestion.3. Over the course, you may develop more stones which will again require treatment as before.4. Get yourself tested once a year for diabetes and start treatment if you are positive.