
How can Bilirubin and Hb A2 levels be brought to normal range?

Dr Dharma R Choudhary
Clinical Hematologist & Bone Marrow Transplant Physician,
BL Kapur Memorial Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 47 years old male having elevated Bilirubin and Hb A2 levels. I feel very week and tired. The liver function test shows Bilirubin - 2.54 gm/dl (conjugated- 1.38 and Unconjugated - 1.16). Electrophoresis indicated HBA - 95.1%; HBA2 - 4.9%, Anti HCV - Non-Reactive, Haemoglobin count - 11.1 gm/dl. Is elevated Hb A2 level a serious problem? How can my high Bilirubin and Hb A2 levels be brought to normal range?

A:Elevated Hb A2 is usually found in patient of thalassaemia minor. A patient of thalassaemia minor may have mild hyperbilirubinaemia. This is not a serious concern and you should start folic acid supplementation (tab Folvite 5 mg once daily) and consult a haematologist / physician for complete evaluation.