
How can astigmatism be cured?

Dr M S Ravindra
Consultant Ophthalmologist,
Karthik Netralaya, Bangalore

Q: My 5 years old son is suffering from acute astigmatism. His eyesight is -– right: -10 spherical and 4.5 cylindrical; left: -9.5 spherical and -4 cylindrical. Can this number be reduced by any exercise, diet or surgery?

A:It is not acute astigmatism. What he has is compound myopic astigmatism. This at this age is almost always since birth. Just rule out the possibility of keratoconus or crystalline lens diseases. Your eye doctor could do this. There is no remedy that is advised at this age, and wearing glasses is the only correct way. Even if anything else is suggested for correction of myopia, it is your duty to refuse! The eyes need to be examined periodically.