
How can an eye floater be removed?

Dr Arun Mishra
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, UK

Q: I am a 32 years old man. I had a dark circle in front of my right eye 15 days back. I went to an eye specialist, who diagnosed it as an eye floater. The doctor told me that I have the initial stage of cataract in my right eye. The power for the left eye is 2.5. I am also suffering from diabetes and mild high blood pressure. How can an eye floater in my right eye be removed?

A:If the dark circles are stationary then it is likely to be due to early cataract but if they are floating about then it is likely to be floaters, which are usually harmless, but you did well to get it checked by an eye specialist as it some times can be due to retinal problems.

If the vision itself is affected so that it is causing some inconvenience to your job or quality of life then you can have it operated with phacoemulsification and implant. This is a very straightforward operation nowadays. There is no harm in waiting till you reach that state.