How can abdominal tuberculosis be treated?
Consultant Gastro-enterologist Physician,
Leigh Infirmary, England
Q: I am a 39 years old man diagnosed with abdominal tuberculosis (TB) two years back. I started anti-tuberculosis (ATT) regimen and completed it seven months back. However, I have been experiencing slight pain in lower and lower right side of abdomen along with swelling for the last three months.. After CT Scan and colonoscopy, the doctor told me that there is a blockage and swelling in the intestine due to abdominal TB and has asked me to go for surgery. The biopsy report has come out normal. My ESR is 57 mm (1st h). Can I have a normal life after surgery? What type of complications I may face in the future?
A:I note that you have pain and swelling in the lower right abdomen and a blockage because a stricture has been diagnosed. One of the complications during the healing process of intestinal tuberculosis is a narrowing of the involved segment of the bowel and the affected part of the intestine heals with scar formation of varying degrees, depending on the length involved. The scarring would make the affected part to go narrow and the severity is variable according to the scar tissue formation. This results in slowing of the digesting/digested food through this stricture resulting in pain and swelling. Resection of this segment of the bowel is needed to restore proper passage of the contents to the colon. The right lower abdomen is the area where the terminal ileum ( the last part of the small intestine) lies and this part is important for the absorption of Vitamin B12 which is an important constituent in the blood formation. So you would need regular B12 supplements following your surgery.