
How can a diabetic patient control dyspepsia?

Prof Dinesh Dhanwal
Prof of Medicine and Head of Endocrinology,
Maulana Azad Medical College,
New Delhi

Q: I am 56 years old diabetic. My random sugar level is 160mg/dl. I am fit, active and walk 4km a day regularly. Very rarely I drink Bacardi/Gin or Vodka and I do not smoke. For two months I am getting flatulence after food. There are some painful ulcerations on the tip and side of the tongue. No pain anywhere. Bowels are fine and regular but a bit spongy and burn. My GP put me on Rabemac-20 for 15 days with Domstal for two days and I felt fine. But the bloating feeling returns at times and he is suspecting ulcers and wants an endoscopy done. I am reluctant. The only change I noticed in my physique is that over the last two months I have put on one and a half kilo of weight. I feel fine, fit and the appetite is good. Stools test showed pH 6.5, no occult blood and high quantity of undigested food particles. No other observations. I am scared as my maternal aunt had almost similar symptoms (but she lost weight rapidly though) and was diagnosed as colon cancer. Help and advice is requested.

A:The issue in this query is diabetes and dyspepsia. 1. Dyspepsia means flatulence, upper abdominal pain, burning sensation with or without nausea and vomiting. 2. Diabetic patients are more prone to these symptoms due to damage of nerves which supply stomach also called as autonomic gasropathy. 3. In your case its wise to undergo endoscopy which is a safe and comfortable procedure. If no ulcer is detected then the cause of dyspepsia is likely be autonomic gastropathy. This will be relieved with Moza SR 15 mg half an hour before breakfast once a day only, initially for a period of 15 days then as per need. 4. If endoscopy is abnormal then get treatment from the gastroentrologist accordingly. 5. Don't panic, as your appetite is normal, you have not lost any weight and stool is negative for occult blood there are no chances of any cancer. Hope this suffices all your queries.