
Hepatitis B positive

Dr Patrick Kamath
Senior Gastroenterologist,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester,

Q: My wife is Hepatitis B positive. She got infected while visiting her mother, who is a Hepatitis B patient. Can she lead a normal life? The children were vaccinated about 2 ½ years back. Do they need to be vaccinated again? The rest of the family got vaccinated, but the third dose is not due till another 40 days. What precautions do we need to take? Is it ok for my wife to work in the kitchen? Can we lead a normal marital life?

A:It is not likely that your wife was infected by her mother at the visit. More likely , her mother infected her at the time of birth. The long term prognosis depends on whether she has the virus in her now, and whether her liver has any damage. You can check the children for Hepatitis surface antibody levels. If levels are greater than 10 units then repeat vaccination is not necessary. The rest of the family got vaccinated, but the third dose is not due till another 40 days.Yes. She should avoid getting cut; blood should not come in contact with anyone else. LEADING A NORMAL MARITAL LIFE depends on her virus status and whether you have received protection from the vaccination.