Honorary Professor of Neurology,
BJ Medical College, Pune
Q: I am a male, 36 years old. I am suffering from headache for the past 5 years. It generally comes twice or thrice in a month. I could able to appreciate the headache during the later part of the sleep just an hour or two before the usual time of getting up. It invariably starts during the night sleep. There are severe pain / irritation around the eyes though there is no problem in the eyesight. There is severe pain in the bottom portion of the rear head also. The headache always accompanied by nausea, vomiting. It generally lasts for two days. Initially the headache starts on both the sides and slowly it shifts to one side and shits to the other side of the head before it is disappearing. I generally sneeze as soon as I get in contact with sunlight. What is the solution for the above problems? Couple of years before, I took one tablet of Flunarin 10 mg continuously for 4 months. It gave a temporary solution to the headache, though it did not give a permanent cure.
A:It is a good chance that you have migraine. The treatment of choice is T.Sibelium 10mg 1 daily and Betacap T R 40mg 1 daily. When headache occurs take T. Vasograin 1 and T. Metopar 1 tab at start of headache. These two are not to be used continiously only when headache occurs once or twice in a week.