Has masturbation affected the size of my testicle?
Head of Department of Surgery,
JIPMER, Pondicherry
Q: I am 23 years old. The size of my testicle sac is big and it is hanging down more than normal . If I touch it, I feel a lump like thing of nerves beside the left testicle, which makes the sac hang down due to its weight. A year back I doubted hernia and consulted a doctor. He said that it is normal and there is nothing to worry about. I used to masturbate a lot during my teenage times. I masturbate in such a way that at the verge of ejaculation I stop and then start all over again. This continues for hours, before I ejaculate finally. I used to do this two to three times a day. Is my testicle affected due to this? I have noticed a lot of veins on my penis. Will I be able to lead a healthy sexual life in future?
A:From the history you have given, it appears that you have dilatation and tortuosity of the testicular veins which carry the blood from the testes to the veins in the abdomen. This condition is called varicocele and can be treated by minimally invasive surgery. In rare instances it can affect the fertility of the patient in case of delay in treatment. I suggest that you consult a urologist or a general surgeon who would give you proper advice after examining you.