
Freezer vegetables

Dr Vibha Baluja
Nutrition Expert,

Q: I just want to know whether it is ok to cut onions and keep them on the freezer for later use. I cut onions, garlic, ginger on the weekends and use them during the week, does the vegetables retain its nutritive value and does it stay without getting any bad effects, i find it to be tasting alright?

A:You can surely cut and store vegetables in the freezerfor later use. Follow these instructions for freezingfood:- Wash and dry the vegeatbles well.- Wrap the vegetables in the foil or store in airtight bag and containers.- Foods with strong odours, such as onions, garlic,seafoods and some cheeses, should be wrapped, and youshould avoid storing them for long periods near foodsuch as milk and cream which are susceptible totainting.- Some frozen foods, particularly vegetables, shouldbe used direct from the frozen state and does not needto be thawed.