
For how long do I need to take vertigo drugs?

Dr JD Mukherji
Head & Senior Director in Neurology,
Max Institute of Neurosciences,
Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I am a 29 years old man who has been suffering with vertigo for the last 6 months. I underwent MRI-brain, EMG and other tests and the MRI brain report was normal. The doctor suggested me to take Vertin 8 mg thrice a day. Also a Neurosurgeon prescribed Paxidep CR 12.5 mg once daily. I have also consulted an orthopaedic surgeon, as I was having little neck pain. On X-ray, it was revealed that I have mild cervical spondylitis. I am continuing these medicines for the last 5 months. Most of the time I am alright, but once or twice in 15 days I suffer some uneasiness, a kind of motion sickness and feel very depressed, but this is temporary. The doctors told me that with time it would go away. I am also maintaining good postures for spondylitis. Do I need to continue these medicines forever?

A:The condition of vertigo described by you is suggestive of Benign Paroxysmal Positional vertigo (BPPV). As the name suggests it a benign condition but known to recur on and off. You don't have to worry, as it is a self-limited condition. I would like to add that cervical spondylosis never ever repeat never ever causes vertigo in isolation and it is more of a myth than a reality. My recommendation for you would be take Tab Vertin 24 mg twice daily for a week and then stop it and see if you still get mild vertigo I would recommend mild exercises (You can see them in the net) for balancing out the internal ear semi circular canals, which are responsible for this condition. You should avoid driving while on Vertin.