
Eyes - retinitis pigmentosa

Dr Rishi Mohan
Consultant Ophthalmologist, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My wife has got some problem in the retina, whereby she has got tubular vision and has very little vision in darkness. Is there any remedy for the same?

A:The patient seems to be suffering from an advanced stage of retinitis pigmentosa, (night blindness). In the advanced stages the peripheral vision is reduced so that a central tube of vision remains. There is no remedy for this disorder.

However, special Low Vision Devices such as field expanders may be tried. Her brothers/sisters/children should also be examined as this is a familial condition. Vitamin- A (Cap. Aquasol A, 50,000 i.u. per capsule) may be administered, 1 capsule twice a week, on a long term basis. She should be in touch with the Ophthalmologist for further guidance.