
EV sarcoma in his right pelvis

Dr Mathew Varghese
Head, Department of Orthopaedics,
St. Stephens Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My son is having EV sarcoma in his right pelvis he is being given chemotherapy vincristine every week and three other drugs related to chemotherapy after every three weeks because vomittings and mucositus he is unable to eat any thing and lost 10kg of weight is there any method so that he can take some thing and chances of cure if detected at early stage.

A:It is unfortunate that your child is not tolerating chemotherapy. However, this is very common in patients with chemotherapy. In chemotherapy, drugs that are used kill rapidly multiplying cells. In a normal human beingsome of the most rapidly multiplying cells are found in the intestinal tract from our mouth all the way down to our colon. The cells on the lining called mucosa get killed causing (nausea, vomiting, lose motions). At the completion of chemotherapy this normally reverts back. The time varies from patient to patient and the kind of drug used. The current prognosis as per the latest text book of Harrisons principles of internal medicine 15th Edition 80% five year survival with effective treatment. In any lesion below the elbow and the mid calf.