Dribbling saliva
Dr David Harvey
Retired Professor of Paediatrics and Neonatal Medicine,
Imperial College School of Medicine,
University of London
Retired Professor of Paediatrics and Neonatal Medicine,
Imperial College School of Medicine,
University of London
Q: Dear Doctor, I have a son who is six months old weighing 8 Kgs. Since few days I have observed that his saliva drips from his mouth. Well! doctors do say that it is normal for a baby to drip saliva, but doesnt too much dripping show a poor health. Does it mean there is some problem with his digestion? (probably boils in his mouth, heat in stomach, etc). Even though my question may sound a bit silly, I look forward to to an answer.
A:Rest assured that it is normal for a baby to dribble. It does not indicate an abnormality of the digestive tract. It may cause some soreness below the mouth; Vaseline may help to protect the skin.