Does yoga help in treating recurrent cancer?
Professor of Medicine,
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA
Q: My father 61 years is a case of recurrent cancer of the colon for the last 22 years. He has undergone surgery 4 times with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Is it useful for him to do the Sudarsan Yoga which is said to prevent occurrence of cancer?
A:Recurrent cancer is difficult to treat and is generally incurable. Orthodox treatment may delay the inevitable advance of the cancer, but with the severe disadvantage of multiple unpleasant toxic complications. Alternative therapies are less effective than standard chemotherapy or surgery, but yoga, diet, herbs and other unorthodox treatments often make the patient feel better even when the cancer is returning. Yoga will not prevent cancers advance in a patient, but the psychologic benefits and the lack of severe toxicity may make such treatment advisable, provided the patient agrees that it is worth expending the effort.