
Does non-veg food aggravate acidity?

Dr Sanjiv Saigal
Consultant Gastroenterologist,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I have a gastric problem. I had been admitted last month for severe pain in my abdomen. Doctors says that it is because of high acidity. An endoscopy test shows patches in the oesophagus. Also, I have been advised to have less spicy and oily foods. My question is can I have chicken eggs with my lunch? Also, can I eat non-spicy non-vegetarian food? I have to take Ocid 20 mg twice in a day for three weeks. Please help me.

A:From the details you have provided, it appears the most likely you are suffering from gastro oesophageal reflux disease(GERD) or acid peptic disease. It is perfectly ok to take OCID to suppress the acidity part. Also take a less spicy, and less oily food. You can have chicken and eggs but should avoid them being cooked in a fried oily manner.