Does myopia get corrected with development of presbyopia?
Dr M S Ravindra
Consultant Ophthalmologist,
Karthik Netralaya, Bangalore
Consultant Ophthalmologist,
Karthik Netralaya, Bangalore
Q: Does myopic condition corrected itself when a myopic person get presbyopia?
A:Myopic person behaves exactly like anybody else when Presbyopia arrives. This is usually at the ages of 41 to 43 years. For a properly corrected person, he needs to wear a lower powered glass for near work. If he is overcorrected, as many are, then this starts earlier. If your power is in the range of -2.00, at least in one eye, you will never need to wear separate reading glasses. You are the luckiest of the lot! Many times when we do Lasik for that age group, we deliberately do this.