
Does my wife have tuberculosis?

Dr Pradeep Seth
Professor of Virology and Head, Department of Microbiology,
and In-charge HIV/AIDS Reference Centre (NACO),
A.I.I.M.S., New Delhi

Q: My 23 years old wife had some medical tests for diagnosing tuberculosis and the test reports are cited below:-

  • TB ELISA (IgG) - 29.28 units
  • TB ELISA (IgM) - 0.936 Index
  • MANTOUX TEST (PPD) - No induration seen after 48 hours10 tu ppd
What do these results imply?

A:TB ELISA IgG as well as IgM has no place in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in India. Surprisingly, many clinicians in private practice send their request for these tests which make no sense at all in India where exposure to environmental mycobacteria is very common. Positive TB ELISA test therefore makes no body happy except the manufacturer of these kits and of course private clinical diagnostic laboratories. Mantoux is negative which may mean that she does not have tuberculosis. But a word of caution, Mantoux may be negative in persons with compromised immunity.