
Does my wife have a lax vagina?

Dr Sudhakar Krishnamurti
Andrologist, Microsurgeon & Sexual Medicine Consultant,
Andromeda Andrology Center,

Q: I am a 28 years old man, got married two months back. Initially, we didn't have sex because of the pain she felt. But now, we have sex almost every day. But lately, I do not feel anything like orgasm after intercourse; even I don't feel proper tightness in her vagina. I feel it is very loose. I ejaculate due to movement not by feelings. What must be reason for this? Is it due to excess fluid she secretes?

A:A lady that was getting vaginal pains during attempted intromission just two months ago is unlikely to have a `loose' (lax vagina). It is more likely that she lubricates excessively. This can sometimes occur in women who are on the combination oral contraceptive pill. It can also occur in women with vaginal infections but this is probably not applicable in your wife's case because she appears to be a first-timer to sex. Try using antihistaminics (many common cold remedies contain this), ribbed condoms, or a powder called Absorbshun (available abroad).