Does my vision get blurred due to contact lenses?
Dr M S Ravindra
Consultant Ophthalmologist,
Karthik Netralaya, Bangalore
Consultant Ophthalmologist,
Karthik Netralaya, Bangalore
Q: I am a 21 years old male facing the problem of blurred vision. I wear contact lenses. Does my vision get blurred because of this?
A:Contact lenses do not make your eyes blurry. It must be a coating on it, an oily layer on it, lid problem like giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC), a mucous coat, corneal edema etc. You need an immediate eye check up. There are wonderful opportunities if you don't desire contact lenses. Today, we can offer you a range of Lasik treatments, which include Wavefront optimicised, wavelink customised, Topolink, Lasek, Epilasik, Lasik etc. etc. depending on your eye status.