
Does my son need to undergo surgery for treating adenoids?

Dr Anju Seth
Professor of Pediatrics,
LHMC, New Delhi

Q: My four years old son has been diagnosed with adenoids and fluid retention in his left ear. The pus is there in the middle of the left ear but not oozing out. The ENT surgeon has asked for a surgery. Also, we twice did blood tests and the TLC count has come out really high. It was 17000 for the time and rose up to 24000 when the test was performed again. My son has been on two courses of antibiotics but there hasn't been any improvement in his condition. We are really worried. Should we go for the surgery?

A:From what you have described it appears that your child is suffering from fluid collection in the middle ear, which was probably infected earlier. The high TLC could indicate presence of infection, which has been taken care of by antibiotics. There is no need for continued antibiotics once an adequate course of a single antibiotic has been given. Fluid collection in the middle ear of a child is often secondary to adenoids. It does not always require surgical removal of adenoids and many times responds to oral medication given over a period of time. Surgery is indicated if there is no response to oral drugs.