
Does my son need psychological help for his introvert nature?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: My son is 11 years old and studying in class sixth. He is a quiet child by nature. The teachers in the class are complaining of his lack of seriousness in studies. He doesn’t answer the questions in class, even if he knows the answer, which I believe is due to hesitation and fear. The first semester exam is over and he has scored below 50 percent, which is worrying me. He is otherwise an intelligent child. He is introvert, but studies cannot be neglected. How can I get rid of this problem? Do I consult psychologist and any expert in the field?

A:If your son is quiet and an introvert that should not be treated as a problem. Children have different temperaments and preferences. Some are quiet, others are noisy. The best way to find out more about your child is to talk to him and to listen to him. Find out what his interests are and what he likes and dislikes at school. Ask him if he thinks he has done his best or if he can do better. Let him invite his friends home for a game or some activity. Before going to a Psychologist, the parents should establish a friendly relationship to the child and increase his confidence in himself.