
Does my nephew have autism?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: Does my nephew have autism? He is in first grade and is 6 years old. He is an only child. He seems to have obsessive behaviours like if a child touches one of his toys or he is asked to share his toys, he will stand right next to that toy until he gets the chance to snatch it back. While he is waiting he also looks very nervous and groans and sometimes flaps his hands. He speaks well and understands well, he is in a special help class because he does have a hard time understanding his schoolwork. He has only one friend. He takes his special toys everywhere he goes and is very obsessed with snowmen. He has a blow up one for his front lawn and blows it up to watch it go back down.

A:Your nephew does seem to be autistic. However having the label alone is not enough. There are several kinds of behaviours classified under the label of autism. Each child must have his own routines and treatment.As long as the child's preferences do not harm him or anyone else, there is no reason to force him to discontinue an activity. Your letter ended abruptly or the last part of it has been lost in transmission. I am not very clear what your question is. The family will have to use the child's strengths and interests for further progress, rather than worry about his being different from other children. All the best.