Does my lipid profile and blood test indicate heart disease?
CEO & Chief Cardiac Surgeon,
National Heart Institute,
New Delhi
Q: I am a 60 years old male weighing 85 kg. I underwent angioplasty with a medicated stent six years back. I am on medicines - Aspirin (100 mg), Clopidogrel (75 mg), Atenolol (25 mg), Omeprazole (20 mg), Folic acid (5 mg), Multivitamin with zinc (once a day), Simvastatin (10 mg) (at night) and Ezetimibe (10 mg) (at night, started about two months back). My recent blood test showed total red blood cell (RBC) - 5.4 m/CMM, haemoglobin - 14.2 g/dl, PCV - 48%, MCV - 89 fl, MCH - 26 pg, MCHC - 29%, Monocytes - 9.0%, Eosonophils - 7%, blood glucose - 112 mg/dl and CEA - 5.2 v ng/ml. The lipid profile showed total cholesterol - 146 mg/dl, triglycerides - 165 mg/dl, HDL - 40 mg/dl and LDL 73 mg/dl. What do my reports suggest? I have also started taking Xenicol (Orlistat twice a day after meal) to reduce body weight.
A:As far as your cardiac status is concerned, your relevant reports appear to be in order. However, the red blood cell parameters you mentioned do not have any direct bearing on cardiac disease. It would be advisable that you consult your treating physician/cardiologist to rule out or treat any other underlying disorder.