
Does my daughter dislike me?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: I am a 31 years old woman and have a15 months old toddler who goes to a daycare. For the last few months she prefers my husband than me. She likes to be with him & prefers him almost all the time. She seems to have not bonded much with me. Also, its been over 2 months that she is going to this day care and she has now got more attached to the lady who is caring for her. When I go to pick her up, she cries for her & would not come to me. In a nutshell, I feel I am losing her since she is withdrawing from me. I have to keep her in the daycare because I am studying for my exams. Does my daughter dislike me?

A:There is no reason to feel you are losing your daughter! Please do not compete with your husband for your child’s affections. It is a great strain for a child when the parents become rivals! Be happy that the child likes the lady you have employed to take care of her. What would you do if the child did not like her? Since you are preoccupied with your exams, you must be communicating it in some way. Children are quick to pick up vibes and body language. After you have finished your exams you can plan play activities for your child and restore your importance as a person in her life. She is only 15 months old!