
Does my child need surgery for epilepsy?

Q: My daughter is 10 years old and is suffering from epilepsy. She had her first episode (mild) at the age of 6 years. Then she had two more episodes at an interval of 3 months each after that she suffered a status that continued for almost two hours till she was admitted to hospital. She was diagnosed with MTS (mesial temporal sclerosis) in MRI. After that her anti-epileptic dose has kept increasing and presently she is taking 300 mg of Dilex and 300 mg of Selzic in the morning and 300 mg of Dilex and 450 mg of Selzic in the evening. All her seizures have happened without any fever. Her IQ has been good but she is becoming lethargic. She also has developed some incoherency in speech. We are very much anxious about her future as she is the only child. What should be the course of action? Is it correct to consult a neurosurgeon and look for surgery?

A:When seizure controlling drugs are not effective or doses that are required is so high that side effects become significant or school performance and social behaviour is effected, surgery may have to be considered. There are several places where such facilities are available in various parts of the country.