
Does Maxepa or Cod liver oil aid brain development in newborns?

Dr Anju Seth
Professor of Pediatrics,
LHMC, New Delhi

Q: We have a 2.5 months old baby. He is breast fed for the whole day and given formula (NAN-1) only for the midnight feed. My wife had started taking Seven Seas Cod Liver (2 a day) first and currently switched to Maxepa softules mainly because they aid brain development of the new born. Will this be harmful by any means? Is NAN-1 the best formula or we should try something else?

A:The supplements taken by your wife are unlikely to aid brain development in the baby. In fact no supplements taken by a lactating woman can do so. She should eat a normal healthy diet with iron & calcium supplements. No formula feed is as good as breast milk. Your wife is doing a wonderful job feeding the baby during the day. She can very well do the same at night. I do not think your baby should receive any formula feeds at all till 6 month of age when semi solid foods should be given in addition to breast milk.