
Does having fibroadenosis cause problems in pregnancy?

Dr Partha Mukhopadhyay
Senior Consultant Medical Oncologist,
Max Hospital,
Saket, New Delhi

Q: My wife is suffering from fibroadenosis for the last five years; she has swellings on the neck. She is on medical treatment for the last one year, but there has been no benefit. We were planning a baby, but don't know if we should. Kindly suggest a proper treatment.

A:Fibroadenosis is a benign condition, which can affect females of the reproductive age group. It really does not have a bearing on getting pregnant and it may so happen that the condition disappears after childbirth. If the complaint persists for a long time, it is advisable to get a biopsy done to rule out any pre-malignant condition. Please visit a good surgeon or gynaecologist for a clinical examination and show her the swelling / lump / mass which you have mentioned to be present on the neck.