
Does green tea and coffee reduce the risk of diabetes?

Dr Surender Kumar
Department of Endocrinology & Metabolism,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am a diabetic woman, 29 years old. After a long search, I've come to know that green tea and coffee reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. I want to know the actual preparation of coffee to reduce the risk of diabetes. Should milk be added or not? If yes, then can I use powdered milk? Is this effective for me since I am already a diabetic patient for the last two years and my father too is diabetic?

A:Use of green tea, coffee etc. is minor pieces of information, not based on proper scientific trials. This sort of information usually appears in non-medical journals. While this information may be partly true, it cannot be recommended for people who don't take tea or coffee, in order to prevent diabetes or its complications. Use of fresh double toned milk is recommended for use, to reduce fat in take.