
Does frozen spinach have the same iron content as fresh spinach?

Dr Shirish Kumar

Q: I am 17 weeks pregnant, beta-thalassaemic and having a low haemoglobin count of 8.2. During my 1st pregnancy, my haemoglobin count remained between 9.3 - 10.5. We don't get fresh spinach easily. Will eating frozen spinach help? Does frozen spinach have as much iron content as fresh spinach? I would like to make spinach soup and store it in the referigerator for 4-5 days and then use it daily. Will the referigerated soup be good in iron content as a freshly cooked soup would be?

A:You can take spinach (or other green vegetables) in any form as the iron content is not affected. More importantly, please take an iron and folic acid tablet daily (if you are not already doing so now) till 3 months after you stop feeding the baby.