
Does chicken pox scars lead to keloid formation?

Dr Satish Saluja
Consultant Neonatologist,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My 10 years old daughter has chicken pox and was undergoing homeopathic treatment. Now she has no symptoms of fever, weakness or anything except lot of big black spots all over the body and 2-3 black spots on the chest. There is itching sensation and mild pain on the scars. Kindly let me know if any test is required or the possibilities of any future complications? Could it be keloids followed by chicken pox? Then what are the treatment options?

A:Following chickenpox sometimes pigmented spots may remain for few weeks to few months. If the chickenpox lesions had been infected, while healing they may form excess scar tissue or a keloid. I think best would be to see a skin specialist who after examining shall be able to guide you. If keloids are formed then the skin specialist may like to use some local treatment which may help.