
Do overweight children tend to be restless?

Dr Archana Arya
Consultant Pediatric Endocrinologist,
Centre for Child Health,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New delhi

Q: I have a baby girl, 4.5 months old. She does not sleep well. This is happening since her birth. We initially thought her sleep will become normal after 1-2 weeks but it did not happen. When she was born she weighed 3.9 kg and now she weighs 8.75 kg. In the day time she won't sleep for more than 3 hours. In the night also she won't sleep more than 7 hours. I have to feed her 2-3 times during those 7 hours. When she becomes sleepy, she cries and we have to struggle a lot to put her to sleep. If she is not sleepy, she is very pleasant. We have consulted a doctor about this. The doctor said that because the baby is overweight, she may be feeling some uneasiness in stomach. It is not any pain. The doctor also said that this uneasiness is common in overweight babies, so he suggested to feed rice items and reduce the feeds. According to the doctor, she will be alright once she starts walking. Please suggest. Is there a solution to her sleeping problem?

A:Overweight infants tend to be a little restless during sleep but do not sleep less. Since the baby is gaining too much weight, she should be evaluated to see if this is due to excessive feeding or there is a pathology.