
Do I tell my daughter that she was abused in childhood?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: My daughter was sexually abused when she was just 3 years old by her baby sitter's husband. She is now 8 years old and I am not sure if she remembers much of it, though she says he did bad things. When she is older do I tell her about it or wait till she asks me?

A:I think its better to forget the whole unfortunate episode. Certainly, there is no reason to bring it up now.Make sure that child abuse is prevented in the future and that she knows that when someone touches her she should stop him/her and also report it immediately. This should be part of advice to all young children, not only to girls but boys too.Under normal circumstances she will not ask you about a forgotten trauma. My own feeling is for you to just drop the matter altogether.