
Do I still need to undergo psychotherapy?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: I am 41 years old and suffering from a mental ailment for the last 11 years. Initially, the doctor diagnosed my problem as social phobia and prescribed Lonazep for it. Later, the same doctor diagnosed my problem as OCD and prescribed Paroxtine. In between, I was also prescribed Lamitrigine thinking that I am suffering from mood disorders. After trying these medicines for a period of eight years, I went to a Counselling Psychologist who said that I do not have any of the above-mentioned problems. He asked me not to take any medicines, and has been providing psychotherapy for the last three years. I am not taking any medicines now, and there has been a little improvement in my condition. However, if I donot go for a session after 15-20 days, then I start getting negative thoughts again. How long should I continue the psychotherapy? According to my therapist, it is going to take time, as I have been suffering from it for a long time now.

A:It is good that you have left anti-psychotic medicines. Prolonged use not only causes serious side effects, but one also tends to get addicted to them, which only benefits the drug company to make more money. Recent research has shown that some medicines lead to suicidal ideation and patients have committed suicide not because of the disease, but because of drugs. I am in agreement with your therapist that it will take a little longer to get cured. I would also suggest that you should do Yoga in addition to therapy.