Do I need to use hearing aids?
Senior Consultant ENT & Head and Neck Surgery,
Max Healthcare,
New Delhi
Q: I am 21 yrs old and have a problem of hearing loss. I am not able to hear small sounds such as mobile rings etc. I have consulted both ENT surgeons and audiologist and they have suggested hearing aids. But my hearing is been improving for last three years but not that significantly since it is a question of nerve weakness. I would like to take your opinion on whether I should go for hearing aids, consult a neurology expert or should I wait? This is a crucial stage in my life since I am into academics and I do not want to pursue academics in this condition. Please guide me what to do? Will doing Yoga help me to get rid of this problem?
A:If you do have a nerve deafness, there is no real treatment. If it has been improving over the years, it is a good sign. However, in case you are being handicapped in your day to day or professional life, I would recommend that you go for a hearing aid. There are small ones (in the ear) which are barely visible but are expensive. Use of a hearing aid will in no way affect your normal hearing level. If it has to improve or deteriorate, it will do so irrespective. It is just like using spectacles to make you see better.