
Do I need to undergo surgery for varicose veins?

Dr Shiban Chaku

Q: I am a 32 years old male diagnosed with varicose veins in my right leg. The colour doppler showed 3 - 4 perforators and after administering the colour doppler report, the surgeon has asked me to undergo the surgery and has mentioned things on my papers such as SF ligation, stripping + and ligation of perforators. Is it necessary to undergo the surgery? Can varicose veins affect my heart?

A:From the report it is not obvious that if there is SF Junction incompetence, also it is not clear about the status of deep veins. If the deep veins are patent and competent and it is only SFJ and perforator incompetence then the advice from the surgeon is sound. If the operation is done properly then the recovery is quite quick. In fact we recommend very early mobilisation and lot of walking in the period after operation with compression stockings put on. Regarding the need for operation, it is not absolutely necessary to have the operation, but in properly selected cases the quality of life is better and this also prevents the deterioration of the skin in the legs. There is no danger to the heart from varicose veins, only slightly higher incidence of venous thrombosis.