
Do I need to undergo surgery for kidney stones?

Dr Naveen Atray
Asst. Professor of Medicine,
Overton Brooks VA Medical Centre,

Q: I am a 45 years old woman who underwent sonography of abdomen and pelvis. The report showed evidence of mild hydronephrosis and hydrouretor due to mild uretric calculus measuring 5.1 mm in size in my left kidney. The right kidney showed evidence of a calculus measuring 4.4 mm in upper pole and 3.9 mm in lower pole. I also underwent hydrotherapy for three days as asked by the doctor but the stone has not gone down. I am taking Levoflax 750 - a tablet daily, Cystone - 2 tablets 3 times, Neeri (10 ml) 3 times, Uriliser (10 ml) 3 times, Kesal (5 ml) with a glass of water and Spamoproxivon sos. Now, I have been advised to wait for another 4-5 days and continue with the same medicine along with ample consumption of water. One day has gone and there is no pain or movement of stone downward. Please advise whether surgery is required for stones?

A:You have kidney stones on both sides. The left sided stone seem to have blocked the urinary passage (uereter). At this time it seems to be mild but if the stone fails to advance and eventually pass, it could be a cause for concern. If this does not happen soon it would warrant further intervention. The size of the stone would make it conveniently amenable to extra-corporeal therapies such as Lithotripsy. Furthermore, it needs to be investigated why you have kidney stones on both sides and what can be done to prevent them from recurring. You will need to consult a dietitian regarding stone diet, ensure adequate hydration (water intake), avoid colas, low salt diet, low oxalate diet and moderate calcium restriction. Depending on the nature of stone, specific measures can and should be recommended. A thorough urinary and serum studies could help figure out why you are forming stones and design specific dietary and pharmacologic measures. Remember, kidney stone formation is reaching epidemic proportions worldwide as never seen before. More and more young children are developing kidney stones. This is primarily attributable to consumption of comfort food, carbonated and sugar beverages and other dietary changes associated with modern fast-food type lifestyle!