
Do I need to take vaccine for cervical cancer?

Prof Shalini Rajaram
Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
UCMS & GTB Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I am a 22 years old girl. Should I take vaccine for cervical cancer? I have found out details but can’t decide considering the side effects of the vaccine. Is it safe?

A:You must take the vaccine. This vaccine gives you 80% protection against cervical cancer and has been given to millions of women world-wide so the safety of this vaccine has been amply demonstrated. Human papilloma virus is a necessary cause of cervical cancer and an effective vaccine against this virus is a breakthrough in medicine. Don’t lose the opportunity to protect yourself! Apart from this safe sexual practice, choosing you partner with care and a stable monogamous relationship will help. Even after taking the vaccination, once you are sexually active, screening for cancer cervix (Pap test) will have to done.