Do I need to take insulin for uncontrolled blood sugar levels?
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine,
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism,
Southern Illinois University, USA
Q: I am a 53 years old diabetic man suffering from hypertension for the last 4 years. My blood sugar levels are not under control for the last one year. My test reports state: urine for micro albumin random – 40 mg/dl and lipid profile is: cholesterol – 150 mg/dl, HDL – 40 mg/dl, LDL – 84 mg/dl, VLDL – 26 mg/dl, triglycerides – 132 mg, fasting glucose – 141 mg/dl, urea nitrogen – 9 mg, urea – 19 mg, creatinine - 0.09 mg/dl, uric acid - 4.2 mg, sodium – 138 mmol/1, potassium - 4.2 mmol/1, chlorides – 11 mmol, calcium - 9.5 mg, total proteins - 7.0 gm/dl, albumin - 4.2 gm, globulin - 2.8 gm, albumin; globulins - 1.5:1, glycosylated haemoglobin - 7.6%, bilirubin total 0.05 mg, bilirubin direct - 0.20 mg, SGOT – 17 iu/l, SGPT - 20/iul, alp - 67/iu /l, sugar in urine is nil. Post lunch sugar levels were 241 mg/dL, 211 mg/dL and 180 mg/dl for 3 days. Now I am taking Amaryl 1 mg, Losar 50 mg, Ecosprin 150 mg, Glycomet AGM twice daily, Atorlip 10 mg, Gluco Bay 25 mg, folic acid 0.05 mg and Becosule capsule daily. Do I need to take insulin? Please advise.
A:Goals for diabetes control as per the recommendations of American Diabetes Association are as follows:
- Pre-meal blood glucose - 70-130 mg/dl
- Peak post meal blood glucose <180 mg/dl.
- Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1C) <7%