
Do I need further surgery after a cataract operation?

Dr Satya Karna
Consultant Ophthalmologist,
Shroff Eye Centre, New Delhi

Q: A year back I was operated for cataract in my right eye. For a couple of months I had good vision but slowly it started deteriorating. The doctor said that after cataract operation, one more laser surgery is required to get clearer vision. He said that light passage to the lens needs to be cleared, which will cost Rs. 15,000. What is the name of this disease? Is it true that we have to go for another surgery? Why does this happen after cataract surgery? Is it because the surgery was not done well? Please give me more information and guide me for further action.

A:Your history seems to suggest that you have developed a condition called After Cataract. This occurs in 20-30% cases over a period of 1-3 years when cataract surgery has been done with stitches. It does occur in cases which have had cataract surgery without stitches but quite occasionally. This is basically an opacification or thickening of the posterior capsule of the natural lens on which the intraocular lens has been placed. The treatment for this is to make a small opening in this capsule by YAG Laser which usually takes 5 minutes in the OPD. This allows light to pass freely into the eye and focus on the retina to give a clear image. If your vision in the right eye is less than 6/12, you can undergo this Laser to correct the capsular opacification.