
Do I need a surgery for treating heartburn?

Dr Sanjiv Saigal
Consultant Gastroenterologist,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am 25 yeas old. I am suffering from acidity since the last three months. I am having severe heartburn. I underwent endoscopy and the report was negative. The doctor prescribed Nexpro 40 mg. How long do I need to undergo this treatment? I have never encountered such problems earlier. My company physician said that I could go for a surgery for cutting the nerve that produces acid cells. Is surgery required? Nobody in my family and distant relatives had (or have) this problem. Please suggest a line of treatment.

A:The symptoms that you have described are suggestive of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). In most patients, good symptomatic relief can be offered with medications and lifestyle modifications. Sometimes there is a component of anxiety that further aggravates the symptoms. For this, the patient needs thorough counselling and sometimes anxiolytics to calm the nerves. I do not think that surgery is the right option in a young adult like you. Do follow dietary precautions such as avoiding hot and spicy food, avoid oily and fried foods, consume small frequent meals, avoid all cola beverages, and avoid smoking and alcohol.