Do I have trigger finger?
Consultant in Medicine,
Saran Ashram, Dayalbagh (Agra)
Q: The ring fingers of both my hands get locked in folded position for a few seconds, especially when I get up in the morning. Is something seriously wrong? A general physician mentioned it could be trigger finger. Though this condition does not bother me much, could it affect the other fingers too?
A:Yes, this is suggestive of trigger finger. This condition may occur as a result of frequent use of the fingers as in playing cards, using the keyboard, etc. It may also some times be a part of systemic rheumatic condition. It can spread to other fingers but not very often. The treatment may involve splinting the finger for a few weeks or giving steroid injection over the base of the finger. Sometimes surgery may be needed if all else fails. No medications have been reported useful. In my own experience, 2 tablets of a medicine called phlogenzyme given thrice daily has been successful.