
Do I have TB of the lungs?

Dr Anuj Sharma
World Health Organization,
Country Office for India,
New Delhi

Q: Two months back, a lymphnode appeared on the left side of my neck. A month back, several other lymphnodes appeared on the right side of my neck. The doctor has confirmed TB. I am also having some pain on the right side of my chest with very less cough for 20 days. For the last 15 days, I do not have any fever, but there is a pain in the chest. The skin test for TB was positive, with a diameter of 20 mm. What type of TB am I suffering from? Do I have TB of the lungs? If I do not cough much, can it spread? Is there a particular diet I should follow?

A:Based on the details submitted by you, it does seem that you have TB lymphadenitis with or without TB of the lungs. An X-ray of the chest following a detailed physical examination by your doctor shall tell you whether the lungs are involved or not. A sputum for AFB (acid fast bacilli) smear and culture (ideally on three consecutive days, if the initial smears are negative) shall tell us whether your TB is infectious or not. Irrespective of the results, please maintain good cough etiquette and hygiene by covering your mouth with a handkerchief when you cough. Usually, TB first affects the lungs and is then spread to other parts of the body. Regarding your food intake, you should take a nutritious balanced diet high in proteins. There is no restriction regarding any food item.