
Do I have IgA nephropathy?

Dr Ashutosh Singh
Consultant Nephrologist,

Q: I am 42 years old and had a kidney biopsy done. I was diagnosed with IgA nephropathy but with no blood in urine upto this stage. There is no swelling in feet or hands but the creatinine is 2.4 mg/dl and RBCs are 8 – 10. My blood pressure is 150/110 mmHg. Are these symptoms of IgA nephropathy?

A:You have provided limited information including the biopsy report, which doesn't describe the extent of kidney damage associated with IgA nephropathy if that is the cause of your kidney disease. Elevated creatinine level of 2.4 mg/dl if persistent over a period of more than 3 months in the background of biopsy proven nephropathy signifies significant loss of kidney function at your age (approximately more than 65%). Common symptoms would include increased swelling over body parts (more severe if one has significant amount of protein leakage in urine), weakness and fatigue which is related to anaemia, which is of common occurrence in advanced stages of kidney disease. Also, one of the essential goals of treatment is achieving strict control of blood pressure (BP goal <130/80 mm Hg), which is important to delay the progression of kidney disease over period of time. Please follow closely with your nephrologist concerning the treatment and monitoring of your kidney disease.